ClearMAX, Pond Water Flocculent

ClearMAX will quickly restore pond water to a brilliant shine. ClearMAX has unique properties allowing suspended particles in water to attract together and fall to the bottom of the pond where they can be vacuumed out or removed by filtration. The result is an extremely fast clearing of the pond. ClearMAX is safe for use with fish, plants, birds or domestic animals that drink from the pond.

  • Restores pond clarity
  • Promotes binding of particles
  • Environmentally safe, non-toxic formula
  • 16 oz. (03PT062) Treats 8,000 Gallons
  • 32 oz. (03PT063) Treats 16,000 Gallons
  • 1 Gallon (03PT065) Treats 64,000 Gallons

Did not think this product would work. My pond fills with leaves and a lot of mud. This year was the year I decided to try and get a clear pond. Stage one. Get the sediment to sink. Check. Now to stage two. Cannot at enough about this product - if you have a muddy pond this will sink all that sediment to the bottom

Heather P.

It cleared up my little water garden perfectly.

Amanda S.

Worked great! Cleared the pond up in 2 applications.

Randi B.

My pond is crystal clear! Love it!

Janice P.

Great. Product. My pond was a brown muddy mess , I treated it twice (3 days apart) and I can finally see all my fish again.

Darce P.

This product worked amazing, I tried a bunch of other products and they never did the job. After applying the next day I could actually see the bottom of my pond. I’ve ordered this item 2x already and had great results.

Tommy C.

I have used clarifiers over the years, and over days or weeks, I would see some clearing. Clarifiers work by attaching to suspended particles in the water and clumping them together until they get too heavy and fall out of suspension. After doing my spring cleaning, the water was all churned up after vacuuming. The water was murky. I was out of clarifier. So I bought ClearMax. WOW! You know how you see a product on TV in a 30 second commercial with some supposed miracle cleaning product and it magically cleans some filthy product back to brand new. Well get ready! I have a 2600 gallon pond and put in a mere 5oz (which is less than the 8oz containers of clarifiers I used to buy). I poured it in and walked away. A short time later - I was shocked! It was PERFECTLY CLEAR! It was so clean I could read a tag on a plant bag I had on the bottom of the pond 4-feet down! Two weeks later, after tremendous rain, runoff had mucked it up a bit. I poured just 2oz in and it was back to crystal clear. I am amazed!

Jeffrey R.

I used to buy the small bottles of clarifier at the big box stores. The results were laughable. It might as well been expensive water. A local store introduced me to PondMAX ClearMAX Flocculent clarifier. Clarifier works by adhering to suspended debris particles in the water. Additional debris clumps on until it becomes to heavy and falls out of suspension to the bottom (where you can vacuum it up). To say I was blown away by the results is an understatement! Honestly, I had never seen my water this clean - ever! It didn’t take very much either. The first time I used it, I thought the water was too clean?! I was looking at the rocks on the bottom as if the water wasn’t there! I have a 2600 gallon pond that is 3-1/2’ deep and a gallon jug lasted me more than a season. If you want crystal clear water, this is the stuff you want!

Jeffrey R.

Bought ClearMAX for a 1100-1200gallon pond and applied the prescribed amount and 12+hours later I saw the bottom for very first time. After seeing how effective this was I probably bought way to much, so be mindful of your needs! I hope it has a good shelf life :)

Chris S.

My husband was ready to rip out the pond. We were having a devil of a time getting our pond clear and then this product was recommended to me by a local store. It took more than a week to really see a difference, but once it got clear, we now just add a bit every week and it's easy to maintain. We tried other flocculants, but ClearMAX has given us the best results. We have two red-eared sliders in the pond, they are much happier in clear water and the product had no negative effect on their health.

Katherine K.

I added suggested amounts on a warmer sunny day and there was no difference immediately, but a huge difference after 15 hours.

Tom M.

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