The new range of skimmer & water feature pumps provide proven quality and utilize extremely low wattage. They come with a range of adapters and fountain kits are available separately. Threaded intake to adapt optional prefilter or to run externally. Suitable for fresh water applications.

EV Series Skimmer & Water Feature Pump
- Extremely Energy Efficient
- Submersible/Internal Compatible
- Anti-Clog Impeller Design
- SMART MAG Built-in Motor Protection
- EV700 Skimmer & Water Feature Pump EV700
- EV900 Skimmer & Water Feature Pump 22EV155
- EV1200 Skimmer & Water Feature Pump 22EV175
- EV1800 Skimmer & Water Feature Pump 22EV200
- EV2400 Skimmer & Water Feature Pump 22EV225
- EV3000 Skimmer & Water Feature Pump 22EV250
- EV3600 Skimmer & Water Feature Pump 22EV275
Finally found a quiet pump that is strong enough to power the waterfall
Wendell N.
I use my PondMAX pump for a pondless waterfall. At the bottom, I have the water collect into a polyethylene pan. I have several bird feeders and lots of plants for pollinators around the water feature so it gets plenty of use. I am running it through the winter because it is easier and costs less to run than a heater in a watering pan. As cold as it has been, it is the best place for the birds to find water. I get a lot of enjoyment from my water attraction. With the ease of set up and low running cost, I highly recommend PondMAX products
Glen A.
Pump works well when it’s working. For the second year in a row I have taken the pump out and drained it prior to winter. In the spring the pump does not work. Has no humming noise but has power to the motor.
I had another brand of pump for 7 years and never had a problem. The only reason I replaced that one is because a tree fell on it and smashed the pump, basin, and water feature.