Tips For Adding Plants To Your Pond

Now that the temperatures are rising, your pond is likely open and starting to work its way back to a beautiful oasis. The colder temperatures of the recent months can take a toll on a pond, and one of the best ways to rejuvenate a pond in the springtime is by adding a variety of aquatic plants.  

Adding different pond plants to a pond or water gardens is a great way to make it look even more beautiful. They are critical to a healthy pond ecosystem in a variety of ways. However, it is essential to add the right aquatic plants at the right time. Let’s review how to add to aquatic plants to your pond!

Choose Carefully

Before you add pond plants to the water, you first need to consider the type of plants you want to use and how many. There are a variety of pond plants to choose from, so it is essential to make sure you add the right type to your pond. One of the most common types of aquatic plants pond owners use are floating plants, water hyacinth, or water lettuce. These pond plants will develop roots underneath the surface of the water and provide shade to aggressive algae formation. Submerged plants can also be beneficial to ponds, as they can improve the water quality and clarity. Bog plants are often used to surround the perimeter of a pond, while water lilies and lotus can add vibrant colors to the area. Of course, you could always design a marvelous pond by adding a mixture of all these plants. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the most common plants you can add to your pond.

Types of Pond Plants

Floating Pond Plants

These pond plants have foliage and blooms that are above the water’s surface. Below the surface, the roots widely grow. These plants work best in moderate and deep water depths. Water lettuce, hyacinth, and frogbit are the most common types of floating pond plants.

Bog Plants

Bog plants thrive the most in shallower water, usually along the edges of a pond. The foliage of these bog plants extends above the water’s surface. Water hawthorne, cattails, and irises are all good options to add to a pond as edging plants.

Submerged Plants

These plants are almost always entirely below the water’s surface, hence their name. These plants make excellent filters in ponds of all sizes. However, these plants thrive in deeper waters, where they can stay submerged.

Choosing plants from each type of category will help your pond get a sufficient amount of vegetation and create a thriving ecosystem. Once you choose pond plants, it is important to follow instructions for adding them to your pond carefully and to monitor them closely until they become established while considering their needs. Plus, in order to maintain the health of your pond plants, you will want to ensure your pond is clean, safe, and healthy.

Get Your PondCare Products From PondMAX

Aquatic plants are a great addition to any pond. They can be beneficial to the overall health of a pond, improving the water quality, water clarity, and algae control. However, adding pond plants are not the only way to maintain the health of a pond or water garden. In fact, the proper pond care products are vital to keeping your pond looking beautiful.

When you need pond supplies, don’t overpay at retail stores. Instead, you can find quality and affordable pond supplies online by shopping at PondMAX! Our online pond supply store carries a variety of pond products; from pond filters and aeration kits to pond lighting and pumps, PondMAX has it all. When you shop at PondMAX, you can get the best pond products at an affordable price!